Other School to Home Communications
In an attempt to provide as much and as effective of communication possible, we a variety of digital platforms, as well as occasional paper copies. We encourage families to find ways to engage with our school happenings and stay informed.
Heather Facebook, Twitter, Shutterfly
- Heather School’s Heather Facebook page, Heather Twitter page, and Heather Instagram page, provides the school community regular postings of either school reminders, or with highlights of some of our Heather “happenings”. It is a great way to “tell our story” and give parents an inside peek of the many things being taught and experienced at Heather. Learn more here about our social media guidelines and parent permission form.
Heather Headlines
- The Heather Headlines is a weekly communication, published by the Heather PTA, providing families with school events and activities, as well as noted community resources. Expect the Headlines to be delivered to your email inbox by Wednesday evening each week.
Principal’s Bulletins
- The Principal’s Bulletin is an email bulletin sharing educational programs and activities involving your student. Check out past issues with informative articles by title.
School Site Council News
- School Site Council News is an email bulletin that comes the week prior to School Site Council meetings. It includes the upcoming agenda and past minutes, as well as an archive of past meeting notes. It is a great place to keep your “thumb on the pulse” of educational issues and topics at Heather. Learn more about School Site Council here.
Teacher communications
- Teachers each have their own methods for communication, which include classroom blogs and/or Shutterfly classroom pages, websites, digital newsletters, emails or paper copied newsletters. Teachers make every effort to keep parents informed of the teaching and learning happening in the classroom. Find out your teacher’s preferred communication methods/
- We have many languages, other than English, spoken in the homes of our students. We do our best to find ways to communicate with parents who have limited English. Spanish interpretation services are provided to parents at parent/teacher conferences, SST and IEP meetings. Resources are limited in being able to provide written translations with regularity.